13 Quick and Easy At-Home Workout Moves
These days it is harder and harder to get to the gym but that doesn't mean the workouts should stop. Everyone needs to workout and your home is the best place for it!
These high-intensity workouts are not just good, basic home workouts — they’re also extremely doable, with simple exercises that make simple workouts attainable with little time, equipment, or space.
Core Home Workout Moves
Sit-Ups. Basic, but effective. Aim for 20 to start, and work your way up to 50 once you’re a pro. Do not tuck your feet under a chair or table for assistance, to get the maximum effect.
Crunches. These bite-sized versions of the whole enchilada isolate smaller, deeper abdominal muscles in their motion. Shoot for three sets of 20.
Bicycles. Lie on your back feet in the air, knees bent. Place your hands behind your head. Begin pumping your legs in the classic bicycle motion, vigorously, for one minute.
Planks. Hands down the best overall bodyweight toning move you can do. Rest on your elbows and toes, keeping your back and legs straight. Hold for one minute.
Lower Body Home Workout Moves
Squats. Back straight, feet slightly turned out. Drop your seat to knee height. Do two sets of 10.
Lunges. This is the best quad toner in town. Start standing with your feet parallel. Take a big step forward with your right leg, landing with your knee bent and over your toes. Allow your back knee to drop down toward the floor while swinging your left arm forward for balance. Push off your right front foot to return to standing. Do two sets of 10 on each side.
Squat Jumps. Bend your knees as if you are going into the squat position, tucking your arms like a downhill skier. Spring off the floor and straighten your legs in the air, before landing in a squat once again.
High Knees. Jog in place for one minute, lifting each knee as high as you can.
Calf Raises. Face a wall and place your palms against it for balance and support. Rise up onto your toes and back down. Repeat 20 times. Advanced version: Let your kid ride piggyback for extra resistance.
Cardio Home Workout Moves
Jumping Jacks. Time to get your heart rate up. Making sure to raise your hands over your head each time, and keep the cardio going for at least one minute.
Burpees. Get from a perfect plank to a jump with the hands in the air and back again as fast as possible. Start with 10 and work up from there.
Upper Body Home Workout Moves
Push-Ups. Drop and give us 20. Let your child sit on your butt for extra weight resistance.
Dips. Sit in a sturdy chair, hands holding the front edge of the seat. Push your butt forward until it is it suspended in front of the seat and your weight is being supported by your arms. Bend elbows and drop your hips toward the floor. Straighten. Do two sets of 10 dips.
*List adapted from Fatherly.com